Busy Fun

I don't really know what to title this catch-all post.  We're busy, making progress in school, and life is fun.

Bubby has started learning trumpet in a homeschool band program.  He's hitting notes that I can't hit, which isn't saying a lot.  But he'll pull out the method book, decide on a piece, figure out the fingerings, and teach it to himself.  And he's playing tunes like "Amazing Grace" and the theme from "Song of the Sea" by ear.  It's pretty cool to watch.  I love educational noise.

Cutie is making progress with her reading.  A friend recommended "Reading Made Easy" by Valerie Bendt, and I have to say that it is a lot easier to stick with than "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons".  Mostly because I don't doze off halfway through a lesson.  Haha.  Really, Bendt's book has fun games, a "Sight Word Worm" that is super-cute, and all sorts of neat things that truly make phonics enjoyable for the teacher and the student.

Precious.  I can pretty much give her any recipe in my kitchen and find it completed in an hour.  She is becoming the mini-me.  Except with that oldest-girl flair, hehe.  She thrives on being around people way more than I do; I still need naps after long social interactions.  Her second-year Essentials work is coming along nicely; everything is much more intuitive for her, and she is sailing through.  Her final year will be the one that she'll do everything, and I expect that to be an appropriate challenge.  Spelling is still a difficulty, and we're going to have her eyes checked soon.

Tater is almost to the stage of dressing himself (3.25 years old).  He jabbers incessantly, just like all of his siblings did at his age.  He is completely unaware of anyone else talking, which is a huge issue.  Constantly reminding him... ugh.  He is getting over a virus that kept us home from church last Sunday-- on the interstate... kablooey.  The gas station that we pulled into was the host for a few guys whom we woke up when we arrived to dump the car potty that contained Tater's breakfast.  As I exited the car, they ripped off their blanket, leaned the foam mattress against a fence, and started walking off in different directions.  Welcome to the real world.

I'm taking on a few piano students and am really enjoying it.  I had intended to start my studio last year, but tutoring Essentials for the first time and not having the basement space ready kept that from happening.  Now that we have a couch downstairs, Essentials is requiring less brain space, and Tater is a year older, I'm welcoming this chapter in life.

New Daddy is still working day-in, day-out (thankfully, still two days from home).  Jumping on the trampoline, wrestling, playing hide-and-seek, Monopoly, and checkers in the evenings with the kids.  Fixing things and working on projects.  Reading "Carry on, Mr. Bowditch" aloud before bedtime.  Spirit-filled devotionals.  Amazing daddy and husband.  Love this man!

We had a really nice trip with New Daddy's family in Pigeon Forge a couple of weeks ago.  Here are some Picasa albums.  Fishing - Dollywood - Chimney Top - Uncle B's Google Story
