The chicken mama song

Early this evening, while I was outside stapling 4 mil utility plastic to the Silkies' coop by moonlight, New Daddy was fighting a cold inside and singing this ditty to our youngest. When he tried to switch the words to "Mama, mama," she admonished him.

"No, Daddy! Sing about the chickens!" And so he did, over and over.


Bro Trevor said…
ha ha ha!!

I love it!!

This makes me want to learn the mandolin, or ukelele or whatever that was!
New Mommy said…
It was a princess ukelele :).
Anonymous said…
Marie said…
I loved it! Me thinks you have a new nickname... :D
Anonymous said…
Poppy says to put this on youtube!
So cute!
Marie said…
..and this should be your theme song. :D
Angie said…
Priceless! It must be so much fun living at your house!!
Anonymous said…
Loved it!!!
Anonymous said…
love it love it love it!