Recent changes

I feel a stream-of-consciousness post coming on.  I have some extra time (okay, mountains of laundry still await me), and I wanted to write something.

I have a new goal- to be in bed by 10:45 every night for a week.  Last night was a roaring success.  I fell asleep at 9:15 while nursing Tater and sleepwalked to my bed without brushing my teeth.  Woke up at 4:00, prayed, and fell back asleep listening to a tape.  We all slept in until 8:15, and I had trouble keeping my eyes open today.  Apparently, a little bit of sleep makes one crave more.

Tater is still on the fence about potty training.  I might have to go out and buy a pack of diapers.  He's in underwear almost full-time at home, and he's learned pretty well how to avoid mistakes in those.  But when we go out, I've been asking him what he'd like to wear- diaper or underwear.  He keeps choosing a diaper.  Maybe I should stop asking him.

We're mostly off GAPS for now- eating stuff like flourless sprouted bread and the occasional YoBaby yogurt (no lowfat for us).  The kids are a little loopy, but I'm going to just chalk it up to general age-related behavior.  When Precious starts standing like a noodle, then I know it's time to be a little more strict.  Interestingly, sugar-free gum tends to do that to her.  We're still consuming broth at least once a day.  Kefir smoothies for breakfast tomorrow.

The older kids are screenless for [at least] a month.  Bubby had become increasingly impatient, and Precious was starting to have carpal tunnel issues.  As a result of this change, the house sounds like children live here again.  They're wrestling, tumbling, laughing, creating kitty-cat beds for Tater (my huge laugh for today), and actually playing in their playroom-- not just "playing" on the WiiU.  And they're re-learning how to treat others.  We'd kind of lost that skill while sitting in front of easily-manipulated screens.  We're managing car trips, thanks to GreatHall productions, Jim Weiss' expertly-crafted stories.

Cutie is leaping-and-bounding through kindergarten.  Most of her material is first grade material, and she is loving it.  Right now, she's fluent with place value, writing her numbers up to 100, and adding +1 easily.  When she started untying the seat cushions in the dining room, I decided it was time for her to learn to tie them back on.  And after watching me demonstrate once, she taught herself to tie a bow.  On piano, she can play several familiar tunes in at least two different keys- usually F or C, because she forgets which one to start on (below two black keys or three black keys?).

Today was Aunt Ma's ultrasound, and we found out they are having a girl!  I was leaning that way but wasn't sure.  God must know that the mamas in my family need a right-hand-gal that an oldest girl inevitably becomes!  Love my Precious with her outgoing personality and amazing work ethic.  And I can't wait to meet my fabulous niece!  Baby smooches will abound!

My side of the family had a photo shoot at the beginning of the month, and the shots turned out really nicely.  We hadn't had family portraits in almost thirteen years, so it was definitely time.  Here are a few:

More GAPS posts:
I- Why GAPS for me
II- Why GAPS for the kids
III- Bubby's seasonal allergies
IV- Cumberland Island


Anna May said…
aww...I love the photos. The one of your parents is just too sweet!

It was so good to see you all last weekend. Hopefully the next time we visit we can stay a bit longer so it doesn't seem so rushed.

New Mommy said…
It was wonderful to see y'all, too, AnnaMay! I hope you can stay longer next time, too!