When you're feeling rotten, it's nice to...

  • have a husband working from home on the very day that you're feeling awful
  • have a 7 year-old girl who does laundry, dishes, general decluttering, can whip out leftovers for lunch like nobody's business, and who loves to hold the baby (and he likes her, too!)
  • have a 5 (almost 6!) year-old boy who keeps checking in on his mama and giving her hugs
  • have a 3 year-old who loves folding towels so much that she ropes her older brother into helping her
  • have a beautiful baby who requires little more than my presence, however faint it may be
  • mostly, have a husband who'll pray for you.  I've been feeling better ever since the family prayer at bedtime.


Rebecca Riehl said…
That is such a sweet family you have there! The joys of raising a family for the Lord, and having such a husband who prays and cares for you, is beyond anything this world could give! God bless you!
New Mommy said…
So true! We are very loved, blessed ladies!