Rosie = guardian-in-training

It seems that today is a "two steps forward" day for Rosie.  As I type on in the shade on the deck, she is sitting below on the patio with Bubby.  He's playing "Noah's Ark" with his animals and a hose, and she is enjoying the cool, wet concrete.  Sounds like a dream come true for our wayward puppy, yes?

I had read that a dog that was tied up was going to want to chase livestock.  So this morning, New Daddy decided to let her off the tie-off cable, correct her when needed, and see what happens.  She ran chickens around for a few moments before New Daddy caught her and fussed at her.  After that, she retreated to the shade and sat calmly for a few hours.  We tied her up before we went out.

When we came home, she was let off the cable again.  A few minutes later, she thought we were unaware of her, and she started chasing.  Immediately, New Daddy was outside and got her.  She looked ashamed, but New Daddy topped it off by taking Rosie, shoving a chicken in her face, and yelling, "NO," several times.  Lesson learned.

This scenario has repeated a few times this afternoon, but she seems to be getting the idea.  We're hoping that once she realizes that she can have her freedom if she'll leave the birds alone, her intelligent self will override the puppy self, and she will do what we expect of her.
