Four Reasons

Four reasons I love Poppy working on our bathroom:

  1. One can hear quotes from Ecclesiastes drifting out of the bathroom... "Vanity of vanities... all is vanity..."

  2. New Daddy and Poppy working on the plumbing together, both so tired that everything is hilarious.

  3. Poppy arranging the drain assembly while Precious uses him as a trampoline. What a patient man. No doubt, Precious will forever treasure "helping" Poppy.

And the fourth reason is a set of photos: things get done... we get ahead.... we now have TWO TOILETS in the house again!!!!!

dual flush 1.0 gallon/1.6 gallons

The Vanity (of vanities)


Bro Trevor said…
ha ha!

Great post. I could see/hear it all!
Marie said…
I'mn going to feel so at home in your house! I almost miss the toilets in Australia, too... :P