When push comes to shove...

I've been complaining to myself lately about the fact that when it's 90 degrees outside, it would be nice to park the van in the garage. But the new vanity is still sitting there, on top of two pallets. Then today, I read on the weather report that we were expecting severe thunderstorms and hail. I decided to do something about the vanity.

While I was scooting a side at a time, I got a nice close-up of the carton. 212 pounds. At least, I thought, I'd be able to move New Daddy if I ever had to. He weighs 40 pounds less than the carton-plus-two-pallets that I moved to the back of the garage.

And so I'm here on my blog bragging about my feat.

Oh, and we didn't get any hail.


Bro Trevor said…
I found this post humorous!!!