Staph, pt. 3

A couple of days ago, I discovered a boil on Cutie's left hip. I immediately recognized it and started treating her with the Bee's Aid honey spray, epsom salt soaks, and sunshine on the affected area. But, two mornings in a row, when she woke up, the sore was larger. I was going to take her in to the doctor if things weren't improving by today.

Yesterday, I tried something different. I started spraying silver solution on the boil. Then I saturated a large band-aid with the silver and put it on her. This morning, her sore is smaller and starting to fade-- the first improvement since this started. I was afraid of the "blue skin" that silver can cause. Apparently, this isn't the case, because she looks fine. And it's working faster than the oral antibiotics and Bee's Aid did for Bubby.

I had wanted to try silver sulfadiazine ("Silvadene"), but I have misplaced our household supply. Hopefully, I won't have to try it, and Cutie will be completely healed before I have a chance to borrow some from my sister.

Here is a list of the many uses of silver.


Isaac'swife said…
This is good stuff- we make our own and drink it in small doses when required. My husband also made some into a spritzer type thing, so when he feels like he is getting a sore throat or he has been in a damp space, he started spraying.
Now I'll have to remember to spray it on anything that is an open wound in the future.
New Mommy said…
That is so cool that you make it yourself!

We know an herbalist who makes it at 100 ppm and provides it at a very reasonable price. I had no idea it was so effective against staph until this happened.
Anonymous said…
I thought that was only available as a prescription. I forget what for, but when either Micah or Lydia (i think it was Micah) was real little, the pediatrician prescribed it. I do remember it working well. Where do you get it?

New Mommy said…
Are you talking about the Silvadene? You're right that it is only available by prescription, but we get a supply and keep it on hand for burns, etc. It is amazing stuff, isn't it?

If you'd like to get some silver solution from the same place we do, shoot me an email, and I'll give you the info.
Anonymous said…
It should work much better than the silvadene. It's much stronger.
New Mommy said…
Yes, you're right (whoever you are :). I didn't see much positive effect from the Silvadene. Not what we needed in this case. The plain silver was the right stuff.