April's Events

Has my blog been neglected for almost a month? I would have never thought such a thing possible for myself. I, the [new] mommy who chronicled every drool, every smile, every phrase. Well, it seems that the weather has gotten warmer, and my laptop hasn't made it outside very much. Here are a few updates on everybody and everything.

The House:
It's still three colors: old color (front), new color (back), and pre-primed siding (sides). But, at least all of the sides match themselves. Our carpenters re-sided the side of the house with the chimney, so it is no longer two colors.

We are contemplating finishing the basement rooms before we remodel the kitchen and upstairs bathroom. That way, New Daddy and I could sleep and cook downstairs while the main living area is torn apart. All of this bathroom and kitchen work also makes me think of plumbing. Our whole house has polybutylene plumbing, which will all need to be replaced soon.

Okay, I'll stop before I start hyperventilating. It's not that bad here, I promise. We like our house. Especially the yard. Our garden has started off much more vigorously than in past years, which you can read more about over here. New Daddy planted grapes last night. I really, really, really like him working in the yard with me. I am not a gardening person, and he is.

She's started going nakey-bottom now for potty training completion. And she is doing so well! With our last child (we think), I may have finally figured out my patchwork, two-phase approach. First of all, I like infant potty training because it makes happier babies. And then, I kind of take it easy through the heavy teething stage- roughly nine months to fifteen months. And now, just shy of sixteen months, we're beginning the final, toddler potty training (à la Early Start Potty Training by Linda Sonna). This is when the child can walk well enough to the potty and sit themselves on a BBLP, etc.-- all of the physical aspects of pottying in place. And when it's warm enough for nakey bottom. It's also a stage of great cuteness, which makes cleaning up spills more tolerable.

Cutie is in the goofy stage, where she likes to roll over, fall back, and perform other random actions to make us laugh at her. She has perfected the "squinky-whiney" face, complete with heavy breathing; she and Precious like to exchange it during church. Cutie has also learned to climb just about everything. Last week, she caught me by surprise, though, when she pushed the chair up to the counter and started to climb up to the gold mine that is the kitchen counter. That was just a little too far, yes?

She's still teaching herself to read. She can find a requested word in a book, and she's learning to spell more and more words by herself. She will be more than ready for kindergarten work by this Fall. Precious also draws adorable illustrations. I love her drawings of cats, chairs, and faces. She's also creating color-blocked maps (an idea from coloring maps at Classical Conversations).

He's Bubby. What can I say? He can line up the ABCs and numbers on the fridge. He can do Starfall by himself. He gets money from teenagers at church. He puts stuffed animals on Cutie's head to aggravate her. She squawks at him, pops him, and tells him, "No!" He thinks it's hilarious. That's our Bubby.

The Chickens:
We still haven't found a home for Rainbow the Rooster. But, he's not annoying anyone too much right now. Except for Mrs. Tableson, who gives him the "what for" every time he comes near her.

New Daddy has constructed the frame for a chicken tractor for our three Buff Orpington chicks, and they will be going outside within a week or two. They are now decidedly two boys and one girl. The large cockerel is "Guitar," the smaller cockerel is "Violin," and the girl is "Ribbon." Oh, I love the names that Precious comes up with! We are on the lookout for five more Buff Orpington pullets, because we need a laying flock around here!

And that, my friend, is what we've been up to for the past month.
