Three months

Cutie is still rolling over, so it doesn't look like she's going to forget anytime soon. She's also started staring at objects of interest for several moments and grasping for them. Her most common "happy" sound usually accompanies a huge grin. She sounds like a dolphin when it's playing-- a crackly noise.

She adores the people in our immediate family, but is friendly to people she doesn't see daily, too. This morning, New Daddy was running late, and he gave her a quick kiss before he jetted. She stared after him with wonder, and then, finally, she grinned at him. He was already out the door.

I'm busy with the move right now. Aunt R is on Spring break, helping me with packing, and also with the kids while I pack and blog. Heh. I think I need to get going again.


Anonymous said…
awww thats so sweet she smiled afte him!