Moby mommies

This wrap has been saving my sanity lately. It's been worth its weight in gold for those times when Cutie is fussy, and my hair is stringy, and all I want is my hands to be free so I fix my hair again. Or when she needs me, but I need to cook dinner. Then, there was tonight, when she was fighting sleep (again), my arms were about to give out, and she started crying on New Daddy just before she dropped off. Moby wrap to the rescue. And a little "You are my sunshine" didn't hurt at all, either.

P.S. You can find Precious' wrap here.


Sarah said…
How adorable that she has one too! I'll bet she is so excited to have another little one in the house! I can't wait to see the little munchkin!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet pic! I LOVED my Moby Wrap with the twins! The only bad thing was hard to get two in and out of it, but it still worked well for the fussiest one.
Isaac'swife said…
sooo I am going to be joining you in the Mummy journey.
New Mommy said…
I was wondering about all of the facebook buzz! So I went ahead and took a guess...

Congratulations, Rebekah!!!

(and I resist the urge to wax philosophical)
Anna May said…
that is sooo cute. I've heard talk about Moby Wraps but never new what they were. Wish i had known about them when i had collicy babies. Might have saved me a lot of headaches. =)
Isaac'swife said…
what vitamins and minerals did you take during your pregnancy? I am difiantly going to get some cod liver oil - to help shoo the depression times away