Fireside tip- "hot" chocolate

We've been enjoying this recipe for "hot" chocolate a lot lately. Since I like to keep the milk raw, and not really hot, it New Daddy ends up running to the microwave with his mug. Maybe I need to actually preheat the mugs?

Precious is not much of a milk drinker, though it helps tremendously that our farm's cows just freshened. It's also a good way to use up goat milk that no one but myself wants to drink by itself. Anyway, she'll always polish off a mug of this stuff! Enjoy!

Hot Chocolate
Raw milk hot chocolate without overheating the milk!

Heat 2 Tbsp water in saucepan.
Add 1-2 tsp cocoa powder and sweetener (I use Rapadura/evaporated cane juice/ organic sugar) to taste and stir to melt.
When the water starts to steam add 1 cup of raw milk, and heat it gently stirring constantly until just warm. Pour into preheated cup and enjoy.

(I multiply this recipe by 4 for the four of us.)


Sarah said…
You mean hot chocolate doesn't come in a little envelope!?? I can't believe it! haha =)

It probably tastes much better this way. I should use some heavy cream to fatten my little ones up!
New Mommy said…
CREAM?? That sounds so yummy!!!