Some folks are just made for hats...

... Bubby being one of them.

Precious is decidedly out of the "cute" stage, and it was impossible to get a non-goofy picture of her. We almost managed here.

Someone asked me recently about thyroid imbalances, which got me on an iodine kick. Thus, I've been spending a lot of time on Breast Cancer and the J. Crow's website. Today, my bottle of Lugols solution and Folk Medicine book came in the mail from J. Crow's. And all I can say right now is, "Wow."

Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." This statement has resonated with me since I started learning about a tradition-based diet. Dr. Jarvis' book helps bring it home to specific remedies for specific ailments. It's good stuff. And it's not expensive. How much better could it get?


Anonymous said…
Contact and they may send you a free trial size for mentioning Iodoral on your blog. Their charity wants to get the word out that iodine makes us smart and healthy as well as making our breasts happy.

Good luck in the mommy fun!
New Mommy said…
I might just do that, especially since the Idoral that I ordered was backordered. [smile]