I had no idea that kids could make morning sickness so hilarious. Here's how it happened.

Precious, as Mommy was in the bathroom, told New Daddy "You should NOT have done that to Mommy!" (meaning breathed on Mommy; the morning breath set me off.)

Bubby laughed every time he heard a Sound. Even the "patooeys" made him laugh a huge belly laugh. I think I even threw in a few extras for his benefit. Then, when I had finished, he came into the bathroom, put his mouth on my arm, made his best throw-up noise right on my arm, and laughed uproariously at himself.


Sarah said…
HAHA! Emma did the same type thing when I was pregnant with the twins! She kept imitating my panting just beforehand and was all in my face/toilet.....

By the way, I haven't told you congrats yet! I am so happy/excited for you!!
Hi! I found a link to your site tonight after Crystal Cross told me about it! It's a joy to read, and I must say, "Congratulations!" on the new baby! I think I remember seeing you last year when some of our family visited Bro. Longoria's church while on a singing trip to Birmingham! Hope you have a great weekend! May God bless and keep your lovely family!

With Prayers,
Melissa Cockman
New Mommy said…
Hi Melissa! Thanks for stopping by. I've been reading your blog, too! You do beautiful work!
Crystal Cross said…
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
New Mommy said…
I am very happy to report that drinking a glass of milk before bed seems to keep me from being uncontrollably nauseous in the morning!

Thanks for all of the kind words, y'all!
Anonymous said…
haha, david laughes when i throw up, the 1st time he saw me do it he was crakin up and i wanted to cry haha now Gabe trys to keep him out when i do it