Fishy day

This morning, New Daddy checked his email, only to find out that the training scheduled for this week didn't go through. So... he's idle again! And we get him again! What this company doesn't tell you when you get hired, is that the "two weeks vacation" actually multiplies with idle time. It's just unplanned, so you have to be slightly flexible. But, that's okay; we'll take what we get. Of course, he's supposed to be studying while he's idle, so that's what he's doing right now.

(And thankfully, New Daddy, too, is over The Bug that struck him this weekend and left us housebound on Sunday.)

The first thing that came to his mind was the Georgia Aquarium, which he has not yet been to. It's been a year since I was there with the kids, so off we went. We forgot our decent camera, so the pics are a little rough. But, we did get to see a couple of exhibits that I had missed before. I still think Precious' favorite section was the rivers, because she got to climb on the rocks. New Daddy really liked the tidal pool. The wave effect was really impressive. And then, Bubby actually, really did get tired of pointing and saying, "FISH!" But, it took a while.

By the time we were all "fished" out, we were ready for a late lunch, so we headed to -- ha ha ha -- the Atlanta Fish Market. And then on to Best Buy, where New Daddy promptly spent his birthday gift card from Mimi and Poppy on yet another wireless mouse. I guess for a developer, computer mice are something like knives to a housewife. The lighter and easier to use, the better. And of course, you can never have too many.

That was the day. Picasa for the post.


Sarah said…
Such a sweet picture! We spent almost an hour in front of that one big window. Did you sneak any snacks in this time? hehe.
New Mommy said…
Funny you should ask! Since I'd already been there, and I knew about your mom's pack of gum that got confiscated, we were a lot less daring. We only attempted a bottle of water tucked below some diapers. And we never even drank it... I guess looking at all of that water doesn't make you very thirsty!
Anonymous said…
how fun, we've never been but it looks fun