Tickin' away

We're still here, though we woke up this morning thanking the Lord that we were safe from the storms that we never even knew about. My sleep was slightly disturbed from all of the lightning, but until I heard the severe weather sirens at 6:30, I had no idea anything had been wrong.

Speaking of storms, Bubby sure is talking up a storm these days! His vocabulary seems to be only limited by ours, since everything we say seems to be repeated back to us. Today's much-too-cute attempt was "Hallelujah" during the preaching at the fellowship meeting. A couple of weeks ago, greed had reached a new height when Precious was laying out her clean underwear to take to her room. Bubby snatched a pair and loudly announced, "MINE!"

New Daddy has discovered yet *another* pc in his home office that he had bought to use as a virtual server (whatever that is :). Tonight, he connected me to the internet, and here I am. I have missed it very little, and I think it will be quite useful to have it in the basement, instead of the living room.

Thanks to our lack of internet, the kids have been spending tons of time in the beautiful Spring weather, and I've been cleaning up the yard. The other day, our local hawk landed on a branch just above our creek; it was wonderful to point it out to Precious and get a nice look at it, myself. He let her get halfway between himself and myself, about ten yards away, before he flew to a higher spot along the creek. It's nice when time seems to stand still for a child to observe something new.

Something else captivated Precious a week ago. She was being unusually quiet, and I found her perfectly still, intently staring at something. I asked, and she told me it was a snake. When I got to her, the "snake" was an inch-long silkworm suspended in the air. It was ducking its neck around to weave, and this motion kept her attention for a solid five minutes. Another beautiful moment.

And of course, there are the plenteous mud-meals served on the picnic table, the leaf piles to scatter, daffodils to serve as the dinner centerpiece, rocks to taste (Bubby), and the incessant "Do it" (Bubby) when Mommy brings out the wheelbarrow. I've realized that having children, and the freshness of each of their discoveries, makes me love Spring more than I ever thought I could.


Anonymous said…
ok this had nothing to do with your post but i was looking at your pics and that Cherry Cordial Cake looks great!!! Wat is good?? And yalls pic of when you went to the beach are great!!
New Mommy said…
The Cherry Cordial Cake was a creation by my amazing-gourmet sister, Marie. It was good, though she says a more moist cake recipe would have been better. It was just a little crumbly. The filling was Bonne Maman cherry preserves, and the frosting was chocolate butter cream.

The cake was the birthday cake for my grandad who loves cherry cordial candies :D.

The lighting was absolutely perfect that morning at the beach!