
In an unexpected blessing, the internet on my computer has gone completely kaput. I think lightening got something internally that connects to the router. I posted remotely last week. I'm on New Daddy's work laptop right now. Anyway, until things change, posting (and email) will be, and has been, quite sketchy.

Quick update on the babies. Bubby's verbal skills have caught up with his potty abilities, and he's saying "doo doo" every time he does something, whether it be uno or dos. Oh, and he really likes saying it, regardless of whether something is actually going on or not. All of the unproductive potty visits are starting to get a little old, so we've devised a little system. It goes like this:

Bubby: "Doo doo" (always with an inflection that indicates great interest in the topic at hand)

Mommy: "Do you want to go to the potty?"

Bubby: "No." (the inevitable answer)

But, when he really does have something going on, his protests are somewhat muted, or he even goes on to say "Doo doo, potty, big boy!" (big ba) That's when I really know that things are getting urgent. Even though it's slightly unreliable, I am beyond thrilled that he is communicating! Once the weather gets slightly warmer, this guy is going nakey bottom and we are so done!

Last night, Precious was helping me unload the dryer, and she had gone downstairs before I did. I heard her fussing about something, so I finished my phone call and headed downstairs to help out. When I got there, she wasn't there. I looked in the dark office. Nothing. Then, I heard a muted wail coming from the direction of the garage. I dashed over there, but it was dark. One more wail later, I finally realized that my daughter had trapped herself in the dryer!

It was one of those things that you've read about happening, and know that it inevitably happens to everyone, but you still can't believe it when it happens to your child. I guess next time, she'll let me go after those clothes that are at the back of the dryer, instead of going in after them, herself. Or was she trying to hide? I never got a straight answer on that one.

Anyway, I'll be back whenever I can. For now, I'm mostly enjoying my internet-less life.


Anonymous said…
I don't know if you remember, but once we had a cat (Gentleman, I believe) that loved to sack out in the warm dryer. That is, until someone closed the door and started the drier! :)