This & that

Yesterday, Precious was bragging on her flip flops.

"Look, mommy! They can hop!" (She begins hopping wildly.)

"Look, mommy! They can run!" (And sheeeee's off!)

Bubby walks a little more every day. His greatest stretch so far has been from corner to corner of the kitchen. As soon as I get the video uploaded, I'll see if I can utilize Blogger's new video feature to show his squinky-whiney look. I've figured out that if I imitate him, he thinks it's hilarious! He's still attached to his thumb; lately, he's been enjoying it while he cuddles with myself or New Daddy.

I've realized that my daydreamy-self needs order and structure to be productive. So, I've devised a daily schedule that provides enough information so that I know my prayer times and roughly when I should be doing what. But, it also has some loose "do whatever" time built in, so my easily-inspired self doesn't feel too confined. Today is the second day of The Schedule. The only thing I've failed in so far was bedtime last night. Must. Get. Sleep. And that, right soon.


Anonymous said…
I hope the schedule works out for you. I tried that once and never knew how much dedication being on a schedule was! I found out pretty quick twas not for me. I prefer to be relaxed and just do things when I get around to it or whenever I am in the mood to. But, the good thing for me about having a daily planner thingy would be that I would actually read my Bible & pray everyday. I found that listening to tapes & listening to the Audio Bible online is a good way to get spiritually fed around here.