Around the house

Lately, New Daddy has been randomly browsing craigslist to search for various items that we might like to have. A couple of weeks ago, he looked for a Kirby vacuum; lo and behold, he found someone willing to part with one for only $325, after he haggled them down a bit. We jumped at the chance, and after a little cleaning of the vacuum itself, it was ready to change our lives.

How dramatic is this change? Well, I actually enjoy vacuuming now, and do it every other day, as opposed to relying on a whim that might have struck me every two weeks, or at least when company was coming. And, our house no longer has a musty, dusty smell that we used to smell whenever we entered. It actually smells clean.

Thanks to our vacuum, and New Daddy's window-unsticking skills, I can now see out of a few more of our windows, too. This morning, after he unstuck them and availed us of the wonderful air outside, I stuck the flexible tube in the space between the glass and screens and vacuumed several years' worth of webs and egg sacs that were long-ago destroyed by Ortho Home Defense. I can now see the back yard from the kitchen window! It's a very worthy view, too.

The vacuum actually raises the piling on the carpet while I vacuum, and it's self-propelled. I don't need to say much more. It's worth the money, especially for price we paid. :D


Anonymous said…
isn't craigslist great!? and don't forget your local freecycle or cheapcycle yahoo group to help keep stuff out of the landfills! we've received and given many many worthy things this way, and its fun to see who it's going to, unlike goodwill. :)
by the way, think your kirby is so hot? you haven't driven my DYSON my dearie! i vacuum twice a day! no joke! but i kinda have to with four little ones. actually me and the girls argue over who gets to vacuum! they love it. haha.