
Bubby is teething. He's been teething for his whole life, I think. He bites anything that looks interesting. Of particular interest lately, has been stuffed animal fur. This morning, I retrieved from his chin a drooly mess of fur from the duck that quacks "Old McDonald." His other favorite biting object is Precious' bear from our vacation. It's a black bear. I'm sure one can just imagine how lovely its fur looks in his teeth.

Precious has decided that making people laugh is a worthy vocation. She spent all of dinner with a goofy grin on her face, enjoying our laughing at her. At bedtime, she said to Daddy, "I'll read the Bible while you jump on the bed!" as she bounded all over her bed and occasionally "fell" onto the floor to keep the laughs coming. If she's this hilarious at two and a half, we can't help but wonder how much funnier she can get.

Precious is also getting more beautiful by the minute, and Bubby is thinning out from his daily tours of the house. He's disappeared from me a few times. This morning, I found him in bed with New Daddy, after he had apparently woken New Daddy up. He was a little disgruntled with me, because his sleeping-in time is not to be tampered with (if this were possible). However, Bubby had been yelling outside the closed door for several minutes. And, Shock of Shocks, he woke New Daddy up. This, you realize, is a nearly impossible task that can only be accomplished by a most persistent and annoying person. I guess that would be Bubby.

Lately, Bubby has learned how to let Precious know when her efforts to be a doting big sister are going just a little to far. He screams at her! I love to see them tottling around the house together. She gets down on all fours, and they have crawling races, giggling the whole time. She also gets right in his face and says "Hey, Lukie-belly!" He thinks this is very, very funny, and always rewards her with a cackle. Another favorite phrase is "I gee you!" I think that means she's going to get him, which sends him into fits of hilarity.

I think we have a lot to look forward to.


Bob B said…
Ah yes, I remember many mornings when Monica would somehow manage to be completely oblivious to Zach or Esther screaming (happily) in my ear while I tried to get an extra 30 minutes of sleep. There's probably a scientific principle that can explain how sound waves behave differently to someone still in bed vs someone "in the kitchen".

And if there's not already a principle, I would like to propose a name heretofore: Bob's Principle of Grumpy Bear Morning Time Happenings.