Update on the cuties

Things have been happening around here at the usual blurring pace, so here's a quick rundown of some recent events.

1) Bubby is sleeping fairly well through the night in his crib. Oh, the luxury of a whole night's rest is almost mine again! This started happening after I moved his bedtime earlier, to around 7:00, a couple of weeks ago. At about 2:30 Monday morning, I heard him calling out from his room. I was at the doorway of my room to bring him a fresh diaper, when I realized that he wasn't making any more noise and had settled down. Then, last night, we had one nursing session around midnight, but I made sure that he emptied his bladder before I laid him down again. That way, he was still using his *incredible* abilities to self-soothe.

2) Precious is becoming more interested in the various aspects of being a Christian. Yesterday in the kitchen, she placed her hand on my leg, bowed her head, and whispered a prayer for me. This morning, when she was getting frustrated because she couldn't get her already-buckled shoes on her feet, she asked me to pray. I asked God to give her patience. Then, she asked me to pray again. That time, I thanked God for my wonderful children.

Precious also has Bible reading in the floor of her room. When I asked her if I could read to her, she said "No, I'll read it!" In the kitchen, she read the "Bible" to her rhinoceros, and then said "Get-down-pay." (Get down and pray) She knelt beside her rhino and quietly prayed with him. Before bed, she always wants to pray after New Daddy has prayed. She usually asks God to bless people at church, Mimi and Poppy, and Bubby.

3) Bubby is passing most days with no accidents, no diapers. This means I only wash diapers every 4-5 days for nighttime and outings. Lately, he's been preferring the bathtub for his pees, and goes a few days between poops (still exclusively on mommy milk). In the mail yesterday, we got an advertising brochure for Huggies Pullups. In it, there was a little blurb for "potty training reward cards." To me, this proved once again that the diaper indu$try is built on waste (creating it, not getting rid of it), lack of creativity, and multiplying income from late potty trainers (and yes, convenience-- I know all about that). I chunked that brochure in the trash as fast as I could. Bwahahahaha.

4) When Precious needs me to kiss a boo boo that is somewhere that I don't want to touch with my mouth-- like her feet, I kiss my finger, and then place my finger on the boo boo while I make another kissing noise. Yesterday, Precious bit her tongue. "Kiss it, mommy?" she asked me through her tears.

"No, honey, you need to kiss it yourself," I sweetly replied (knowing that she is sometimes a little sneaky about trying to get us to kiss her mouth). And she, being the far more creative one, stuck her finger in her mouth, placed it on her tongue for a moment, and pulled out her finger with a smooch.

5) I got a picture of Precious playin' 'possum, for our enjoyment.

6) Bubby refuses to sit. It's all about standing, now. The only disadvantage to his refusal to sit is that his legs aren't quite strong enough to support him-- yet. At this rate, I'm sure they will be strong enough soon. But, for now, I am his standing sidekick-- and sometimes the one who goes against his will and forces him to sit, just so I can get a few things done. At nineteen pounds, toting him around on my hip is getting to be a health concern. For now, I'm too lazy to do up my sling and wear him.


Anonymous said…
Do you have one of those Jumping Jacks? It hangs in a doorway and they can jump, jump, jump away! That builds their strenth in their legs FAST!!
New Mommy said…
Yes, I do! He really enjoyed the one at Monica's. I need to set ours up here.