Last Tuesday, Aunt R called me. We discussed many things, and during the conversation, she asked me to play piano for her chorus during their trip to Atlanta. "We're singing a really easy piece for our clinic, in 4/4, f minor, and you should be able to sightread it with no problem. Will you play for us Saturday morning?" I'm always glad to do a sister a favor (plus have an excuse to see her), so I agreed to meet her at 9:00 Saturday morning on the GA Tech campus.
Thursday evening, Aunt R called again. She happened to mention the piece again, and it went something like this: "By the way, there's a key change to f-sharp minor, and a really exposed section for the piano." As in, "I already roped you in, so here's the lowdown." Hahahah.
Rather early Saturday morning, we rolled out of bed and down the road. We got to see my dear sister, and "Old King Cole" didn't turn out badly at all. In fact, it was a manageable piano part, and the clinician was excellent. He was very inspiring, and we stayed for the full two hours. Afterwards, Aunt R's students ("stew-nots" according to Precious) avidly admired Precious and Bubby.
We then drove from Midtown to Uncle B and Aunt M's, where Mimi and Poppy had already arrived. We had a wonderful day with the family, and Poppy started building a tree house for Za and E. The only strange thing that happened was my fatigue attacks. I've been having them since Thursday, and I'm not so sure where they're coming from. It feels like a "hormone" tiredness, and I feel like I can't lift a finger after even a slight exertion. Rather odd.
That was the weekend. Here's a quick rundown of some things the cuties are doing.
Precious has been making "cakes" of all types and sizes. The other day, she came to me with a bundle of multi-colored plastic beads, and declared that she had just baked a cake, and behold, The Cake. Yesterday, she piled her magnetic ABC letters (about a third of which she can identify) into a PVC pipe cap, and once again showed me her creation.
It is a well-known fact that toddlers adore boo-boos. They take great pride and care over their scabs and scratches. Though lately, Precious has started whining about her boo-boos (mostly ones that are long-gone, but fond memories). She also likes to raid my band-aid stash to take care of her boo boos. Generic band-aids are cheap, and I think this makes them good candidates for toddler-play.
To encourage Precious to not whine, I told her that Jesus is healing her boo-boos. She caught on quickly, and started going around the house saying "Jesus heal my boo-boos." Lo and behold, last night, I found a band-aid stuck to the back cover of the Healing Thoughts booklet. Obviously, the gesture wasn't intentional, but it was still very cute.
Speaking of boo-boos, Bubby has quite an affinity for them, too. Only, it's the sound of them that he enjoys. These two questions always make him laugh and laugh: "Do you have a boo-boo?" and "Do you have some doo-doo?" Yup, he's a boy.
Thursday evening, Aunt R called again. She happened to mention the piece again, and it went something like this: "By the way, there's a key change to f-sharp minor, and a really exposed section for the piano." As in, "I already roped you in, so here's the lowdown." Hahahah.
We then drove from Midtown to Uncle B and Aunt M's, where Mimi and Poppy had already arrived. We had a wonderful day with the family, and Poppy started building a tree house for Za and E. The only strange thing that happened was my fatigue attacks. I've been having them since Thursday, and I'm not so sure where they're coming from. It feels like a "hormone" tiredness, and I feel like I can't lift a finger after even a slight exertion. Rather odd.
That was the weekend. Here's a quick rundown of some things the cuties are doing.
Precious has been making "cakes" of all types and sizes. The other day, she came to me with a bundle of multi-colored plastic beads, and declared that she had just baked a cake, and behold, The Cake. Yesterday, she piled her magnetic ABC letters (about a third of which she can identify) into a PVC pipe cap, and once again showed me her creation.
It is a well-known fact that toddlers adore boo-boos. They take great pride and care over their scabs and scratches. Though lately, Precious has started whining about her boo-boos (mostly ones that are long-gone, but fond memories). She also likes to raid my band-aid stash to take care of her boo boos. Generic band-aids are cheap, and I think this makes them good candidates for toddler-play.
To encourage Precious to not whine, I told her that Jesus is healing her boo-boos. She caught on quickly, and started going around the house saying "Jesus heal my boo-boos." Lo and behold, last night, I found a band-aid stuck to the back cover of the Healing Thoughts booklet. Obviously, the gesture wasn't intentional, but it was still very cute.
Speaking of boo-boos, Bubby has quite an affinity for them, too. Only, it's the sound of them that he enjoys. These two questions always make him laugh and laugh: "Do you have a boo-boo?" and "Do you have some doo-doo?" Yup, he's a boy.
--Anna May
p.s how's your iron?