We're all about child labor around here

Today, I woke up in a cleaning mood. Since this mood seldom strikes, I decided to take full advantage of it. I vacuumed the floors, baseboards, the hearth, and the cobwebs behind the computer. When I got out my vacuum sweeper for the linoleum, Precious threw down her chocolate cake to help me, literally! (It was almost gone, anyway.) I handed her the sweeper and stood beside her, giving help when she asked for it. The whole experience was a fascinating exchange of ideas and fellowship that I will always cherish.

It took about twice as long as it would have normally taken me, but I kept reminding myself that if we keep this up, in about six months, she won't need my help at all. We'll be working alongside each other, each with our own tasks, with conversation flying. I can't wait!

A while back, I read comments on a Baby Center message board from a harried mom with a four year-old who was "too young to fold." It sounded a little strange to me, knowing what Precious was capable of at the time, but I decided I'd wait and see. Yesterday, when Precious wanted to "pold" washcloths, I thought it would be nice to see what she could do. I showed her how to make the edges line up, and how to fold them over again.

They weren't perfect, but they were definitely folded! It was a minimal investment of time on my part; one day they will be perfect-- long after the thrill of doing something new has faded, and she'll be helping me out of habit and for fellowship. After she was finished stacking the washcloths, she took them, one by one, and laid them out around our room to let them "dry."

Bubby is getting an early start, too! When I pick up his toys, I hold him and say "Pick up your toys, Bubby." This always motivates Precious, and she automatically becomes a Turbo Picker-Upper. Though, the other night, I was putting leftovers in the fridge, and he really did help me out by grabbing the door and keeping it open! The act of grabbing the door meant that it was also being tasted. I hope it was yummy for him.


Anonymous said…
Child labor is a must around our house! Abigail considers herself privaledged to fold with me!! My laudry room is small, so I do most of my folding on the table. When I put a load on the table, she drops whatever she is doing and comes running! Ethan really likes to take out the trash (the small ones) and he also loves to clean the showers, vacuum, sweep, and mop! Gregory unloads the dishwasher and takes out the big trash. My mother thinks I'm awful for "making" them do it! One day she came in and Ethan was vacuuming. She looked like she was going to cry. She said "He is too young to make him do that!" Luckily my sister was here~She said "Make? He LOVES to do that!!" It came accross much better from her than me!

Isn't it fun to have good fellowship with your children AND get things accomplished!!
Anonymous said…
Wow!!!! Somebody looks just like Daddy! He is so adorable!

Micah isn't one much for doing work in the house-though he will clean his room when told to. But last weekend, my in-laws came over to help us split some wood and get it stacked on the porch. We opened the garage door where the kids could get their outside "riding toys" out. Micah got out his little wheelbarrow and started loading it up with the smaller pieces of wood and pushed it over to the porch and stacked it. All without being told or asked to! My mother-in-law and I just beamed.

And come summer, all three of mine will be kept busy in the garden, pulling weeds, harvesting the crop, and etc. We want to teach them about hard work and reaping the rewards of your effort.
Anonymous said…
ellie is 1 and loves to "pold" washclothes too, which in her case means wadding but it is still cute. especially when the 3 yr old is doing washclothes and cloth diapers, the 5 yr old is doing mommy and daddy's clothes, and the 7 year old is doing hers and the baby's clothes. my 7 yr old loves to iron her daddy's clothes! the other day after i was wiped out with four children having the virus over a 4 day period, i woke up to a closed bedroom door and lots of whispering. sarah had fed her sisters breakfast, cleaned the whole house, took phone messages then brought me oreos and milk in bed and asked me if i'd like a michael pearl book to read in bed! LOL!
jennifer, a well-taken care of mommy
Haha - that is so sweet! Love the pics. of both the darlings. It truly is SO much fun having them help! Abbi and Emma both love to help fold cloths and already know where most of thier cloths go, so not only do they help me fold, but they also put most of thier cloths away for me. They have become quite the picker-uppers - they love when I sweep, because they love to "run and dance" around the sweeper, so when I am about to sweep, I don't even have to ask them to pick up! All it takes is getting the sweeper out! haha - they are indeed so much fun!! Like you said.. very little effort and MORE than worth it. Before long, they will be making cookies on thier own.

God Bless your lil' family!