Russia's oil

This evening, I was reading the highlights of Vladimir Putin's annual press conference, and this was mentioned in passing:
"In comments likely to alarm some in the West, he added however that an Iranian proposal to form a gas Opec was 'interesting' and was being considered."

Here's what our prophet, Bro. Branham said about it in 1951 (The Angel of the Lord 51-0502):

"You remember, Church, that you're living in the best day that you've ever will live in, right now, until Jesus comes. It shall gradually... Not gradually, but rapidly get worse and worse.

When Russia goes down there to get that oil, look out. That's all she needs. That's what the prophet said it would do. And we're ready for it then.

So Church, get ready to meet Christ. He's sending great revivals and meetings, and stirring the full Gospel people. Signs and wonders appearing everywhere, Great wonders to draw His people together. And one day He shall come, the deliverer."

Sounds like it's a very late hour to me... I think it's wonderful that he calls Jesus our deliverer here.
