The prophet said it first...

Almost two years ago, Ruthi gave me Sue Becker's tape on "Eating the Bread of Idleness" (available free of charge from the BreadBeckers, in tape or cd). Sue is a mom and nutritionist who has done a lot of research on the quality of bread, white and wheat, that our society consumes by the millions of pounds each day. Her findings are extremely enlightening, and after hearing the tape, you will find yourself running (or clicking) to the nearest place that carries wheat grinders. We sure did.

A few weeks ago, my parents' church had a tape service, and they played Without Money or Without Price, preached on August 2, 1959. (who would have known this back then? A true prophet.) When Bro. Branham got to this statement, my mom said her proverbial jaw dropped.

"Notice, every night they didn't have to wonder about bread. Their bread was brought to them every night, freshly.We go today to get a loaf of bread. If you're a beggar, and you walk over here to the store, and say, "I wanted to desire a loaf of bread."

He would say, "Show me, first, your quarter. I must have twenty-five cents for this loaf of bread."

And what have you got when you get it? Just a little off of cater, but you've got the lowest that the wheat can produce. They take all the--the vitamin out of it, all the bran, and give it to the hog. Mix up a bunch of paste that holds the bran together, and sifts it out, and makes a loaf of bread, made up with dirty filthy hands, many times. You see what you find in your bread, sometime: lumps of hairs, and immoral things, and rat pieces, and everything else that falls into those bakeries. Sinful people, with venereal diseases and everything mixing into it. If you'd see it made up, you wouldn't even eat it. And yet you pay your twenty-five cents or you don't get it."

Not to mention, homemade, freshly ground, REAL bread tastes infinitely better than any white or store-bought wheat bread. I could say that a thousand times, and it would still be the truth (even though it's an opinion). It was still better when I first started making bread for my family, and my loaves were solid as bricks. Miles beyond any store-bought bread, I tell you. Now that I've got a bread machine kneading for me, and I know more about what I'm doing, there is absolutely no comparison between the bread in my kitchen and the bread from the store.


Anonymous said…
i'm going home early to bake this afternoon. I have to agree-- homemde bread is infinitely better than the storebought. And even I--with my horribly busy schedule, can manage it... with a bread machine, that is!!

What a cool thing to know that the prophet knew it all along! (Not that it doesn't make sense... )

Love you!
Anonymous said…
Amen, Sister!