Thankful for Mimi and Poppy

Mimi called last night to tell us that on Sunday, they narrowly escaped a major head-on collision in their Neon. She was driving through a small town on a four-lane highway when she spotted a huge box, one as big as the car, in her lane. She swerved to miss it and lost control of the vehicle.

They spun into a sign, mowed it down, and continued across the road into heavy oncoming traffic. Miraculously, no one hit them. The man in the truck behind them stopped to check on them, and he couldn't believe that no other cars had touched them. As it turns out, the box contained a sofa.

Thank you, Lord, for sparing Mimi and Poppy!!!! It just lets us know that we are always in His hands.


Anonymous said…
Thank you, Sharon. We continue to be thankful to the Lord! It's not possible to express just how thankful! I am still in awe each time I think of how I was just waiting for the impact and it never came!