
Today is Mimi's birthday! Truly, I can say, that I have a mother by birth, and I now have another mother by marriage. Mimi is so wonderful to us; her love for her children and grandchildren is so, incredibly powerful, and evident in the things she does for us. Here are just a few examples.

We never leave Mimi’s home with huge bags of dirty clothes. While we are there, she constantly has a load in the washing machine. When she comes to my house, she is on a much-needed break from teaching, but she is always ready to help me catch up on my ironing, or whatever I need done around the house.

She thinks of vacations that she thinks the family would enjoy. For the past two years, Poppy and Mimi have rented a beach house for our family in the winter. This lets us spend time together, and the guys can take a break from their jobs and play in the waves. It is therapy for New Daddy to get away and spend time with his family and kayak in the ocean.

When New Daddy and I moved into our house, it needed a paint job. Poppy used to paint houses in the summers when he wasn’t teaching, so he immediately offered to paint our house. Mimi was right along with him, painting the lower sections while he painted the upper. My sister was also here that week, taking a teachers’ class with me. Every afternoon when we came home, Mimi had supper going.

These are just a few examples of the countless times that Mimi has helped us out, cared for us, and been a beautiful example of God’s love through motherhood. And so, today, I can’t help but wish my wonderful mother in-law a very, very happy birthday. I am so thankful that God gave my husband Mimi for a mother, and then gave me such an amazing mother in-law. We love you, Mimi!


Anonymous said…
Amen!:-) It couldn't have been said better than that! Happy Birthday Mimi! We love you!!!
Bob, Monica, Zach & Esther
Anonymous said…
Well now you have made me cry!
Thank you, Sharon.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, too, Monica.
God has blessed me with two wonderful daughters. Poppy and I both feel very grateful.
Anonymous said…
Sharon, you are indeed Blessed with Mimi and I so enjoy reading all the wonderful things you and your family do together. I wish Mimi a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY, also!
Love, Sis. Suzette