What's in your mouth?

Today, I detected that Precious had something in her mouth from her slightly slurred manner of speaking and a small chewing motion.

"What's in your mouth?" I ask her.

"TEETH!" she replies.

Later on, I did manage to retrieve the other stuff from her mouth.

To be continued after I feed the waking baby...


Anonymous said…
Ya know she's calling Rebecca BECKY?!

Yup. Anyone who knows Becca--knows that's a no-no.

Except for Renee.

she can get away with it.


Love Y'all!
Anonymous said…
cute ;)
kids are so smart
Anonymous said…

What have you got in your mouth?

"Teeth! And... other stuff!!"

That's so funny! Looking forward to the rest of the post!
New Mommy said…
Oh, yes, she's calling Rebecca "Becky." She did it while I was on the phone with Rebecca last night. Then, when she got the phone to herself, she "called" ahem, "Becky" again.