Cloth babies

Last night, I started Bubby in cloth diapers. They were really leaky, and I had to change his clothes once. Today, though, there were very few leaking problems. I think the problem was just that he was wetting a lot, but I wasn't awake to change him. I think I'll use the diaper liners tonight to give him some extra absorbency. Today, I splurged on a stainless steel step can to use as a diaper pail. It lends quite the coolness factor to cloth diapering!

Precious had a milestone today, too. She went out in "big girl" underwear today. She wet herself when we got to the checkout line. I just wiped the seat when she got out at the car, and put a plastic bag in her car seat for the trip home. I've decided that she's got to learn sometime, and to learn, she has to make mistakes. If it gets too stressful for us, we'll just go back to diapers. On a better note, she kept her cloth diaper dry last night and during her nap today!

The services at Bro. Luke's have been wonderful! We're finishing up listening to tonight's service right now.


Anonymous said…
Congrats to Renee! I just about have Lydia completely potty trained too. I put a pull-up on her at night b/c she still occasionally wets while asleep, and when she wakes up, the panties go on and stay on for the rest of the day. One thing you might want to look into, is you can get car seat liners at Babies-R-Us (possibly wal-mart too). They are great for handling wet seats.