A little "up-chuck"

Don't you love that word: up-chuck? My fourth grade teacher was the first person I heard use that word. She was talking about her Schnauzers. That one really stuck with me.

Precious tried to eat a few pieces of bread for breakfast, but they came back up :(. We didn't make it to the toilet :(. I'm just now starting to recognize her signs of an impending up-chuck. So, I washed her down, changed her tops, and sent her off to bed for a nap. Good news :): her temp was right at 98.6 before I put her down.

I just read on babycenter.com that breast milk has the perfect balance of electrolytes that a child needs! Wahooo! No wonder she likes to nurse so much right now; it's exactly what she needs (electrolytes plus comfort). Reading that just made me really happy that I am still nursing her.

My midwife told me that I should wean Precious within the next few months, because nursing causes contractions [end of discussion]. They also advised me to drink plenty of water to prevent pre-term labor. And guess what, I've found that extra water works to prevent contractions when I'm nursing, too!


Anonymous said…
Just thought I would pass this on to you in case of another fever. The pediatrician's office that I use has told me, on numerous occassions, that if a fever is above 101 degrees, it is perfectly safe to alternate doses of motrin and tylonel every 2 hours. And if the fever is really high, put a drop or two of motrin in with the tylonel when you administer it. If you don't already have it, a great book for advice on this is What to Expect the First Year.

And when Michaela got put in the hospital when she was a little over a year old, she got dehydrated from not drinking. We put pedialyte in a medicine dropper and forced it down her that way. Not pleasant but it helped put her on the road to recovery quicker. Now, if the kids are running a fever, I use a medicine dropper with gatorade (tastes better than pedialyte) and coax them to drink. Hopefully you will never need to do this but thought I would pass it on just in case.

God Bless!
New Mommy said…
Wow! Thanks for all of the great ideas!!!