How 'bout that music?

In my blog, I try to stick with the things that concern women: children, cooking, and domestic joys. Simply put, we dear ladies are not authorized to handle the Word of God (even in our blogs!). Eve gave up that right for us. For my part, I'm happy to stick with the kitchen and the kids :D.
I Timothy 2:11-15
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
That said, New Daddy for some time has been pondering the various "gospel" music movements that have cropped up lately. He and I have pretty old-fashioned views, and he really liked what he read on this website. The guy quotes from NKJV, but his material is solid.


Isaac'swife said…
i find that interesting, i just had a chance to skim over the article quickly................i was listening to southern gospel today and it is honky tonky at times and other times so somber.
what kinda of music do you listen to?
New Mommy said…
I listen to mostly classical (grew up on the stuff), but Ben and I generally enjoy bluegrass gospel and fingerstyle guitar (Ben :).

We don't usually listen to mainstream "Christian" music, including "Christian" music stations. I think I'd agree with you that they fall to either extreme- too wild, or so dead I'm falling asleep. I prefer Believers' singing, like the Mesa Church Choir and the Cockmans.

Give me some heartfelt, old-fashioned singing from someone who's met God and knows what they're singing about, and I'm happy!

I think the best music is not from the finest musicians, but from the annointing of the Holy Spirit. His Presence makes all the difference.
Anonymous said…
That's a mouthful!
This is the way that Jeremy & I feel about it! When we came to the truth 2.5 years ago, the "christian" music that we listened to started to make us feel sick on the inside (if that makes sense to you!)!
Jeremy & I listen to classical and Bluegrass gospel. I know that some of the people we listen to are not christians, but the style of music is not worldly. The Cockman Family is my favorite, beacuse they are called out of the world. You would never mistake them for secular music. YOU NEED TO GET US A CD MADE, SO THAT WE CAN HAVE ANOTHER "BELEIVER" CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Mommy said…
I know exactly what you mean, "sick feeling."

CD-- all in good time :).