
Today has been a really blessed day. I had Christian songs on my mind all day and very few not-Christ-centered thoughts. Having clear thoughts is a blessing itself. I got to sing "I am the Lord that healeth thee" to help Precious relax before her naps (since she is only nursing AM and PM now); we're both getting over a cold.

And, my little personal trainer even encouraged me to do a few squats. She was toddling down the hall, and when she got in front of the stairs, she stopped suddenly, and started squatting with a big ol' grin on her face. I had to join her :).

Oh my goodness, and watching her eat bread spread with tahini was more than my giggle box could take. It was completely sticking to the room of her mouth... the closest description I can think of is like a cow chewing cud. I need to video that before she learns how to unstick things from the roof of her mouth. The only bad thing was that I got bitten a few times unsticking her. Then, I figured out how to prop her mouth open with one hand while I dug with the other one. Lotsa fun...

And, Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful in-laws a gal could ask for! We love you so much!


Isaac'swife said…
aww that was a sweet post. :)