New photo site

I've created a new photo site (though the Yahoo! one is still up). Here 'tis

Beachy Christmas pics are posted. I still need to get the old camera out of New Daddy's truck, so I can post Aunt Ma's crock-um-boosh (actually croque en bouche-- just making sure you were paying attention) for Becca's birthday. Que-est'ce que c'est? Cream puffs held together by caramel and decorated with melted chocolate, all in the shape of a tree. Very French-- very, um, interesting. Naw, Ma, it were yummy and purty!

A picture is still worth a thousand words, French or English.


Anonymous said…
Lol-- I'm glad **you** thought it was pretty, since **I** didn't!

Yes--at least it tasted okay.

Love Ya!
