Post #50

Wow... 50 posts so far! I feel like I've accomplished something-- or Something (?)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cousin E yesterday!! The little "pwinceth" is four.

Here is a pic of Precious-- our little Christmas gift-- in the Christmas box I'm using to hold her toys right now. The scratch on her cheek is from when she fell off the bed this morning, and I guess, hit the bedside table. I'm not really sure what happened, because I was being a bad [tired] mommy and dozing while my munchkin roamed the bed. Ooops.

If you look closely, I think you can see a hint of tooth # 7 on the bottom right :). I was wondering why she had been waking up a couple of times the past few nights...

Today, I had a "first" in mommyhood. I bought baby food from the store. Reasons? (1) I had a bunch of coupons for organic baby food that expire on the 31st, and (2) we're going to be traveling a lot over the holidays, and I don't relish the idea of toting that many frozen food-cubes! So, I'll pack her amaranth-lentil porridge and some avocado cubes, and feed her table food and canned baby food the rest of the time. Sounds like a plan, eh?


New Mommy said…
I discovered two more new teeth on the top this evening-- nos. 8 & 9! No wonder she woke up howling at 1:20 this morning :(.
Anonymous said…
Aww-- she's beautiful!! Bless her heart. I know all those toothies must have hurt.

God Bless you ALL!

Anonymous said…
BTW, your tortilla press is on its way...
