And the nursing mommy-friendly award goes to...

...Phipps Plaza! They have an awesome nursing room in the ladies' restroom on the top level, just off the food court. It has leather arm chairs, a changing station, and a sink. And no muzak!! Granted, the chairs weren't in the best repair, and the sink needed soap, but it was a very comfortable place to nurse a baby. So comfortable that I found a way to nurse Precious twice while I was there! Precious really enjoyed the breaks from the stroller and a chance to crawl around on the mostly clean carpet. I say mostly clean, because a cruising baby is always going to find something on the floor to examine. The bottom line-- Thanks, Phipps!

So, yesterday was Shopping Day, big time. I started off the morning at Phipps Plaza. Then, I headed across the street to Lenox Square, shopped some more, and then met New Daddy for lunch there. After I finished up in Buckhead, I headed to midtown-- Atlantic Station, to be exact, and got some things at Ikea. Then, I had some stuff to pick up at my local Target, so I stopped by there on my way home. The scorecard: left at 9:30, got home at 5:30. I guess shopping was my 9-to-5 job yesterday :).

The cutie and her daddy at Lenox (in the blinding sunlight)

Cute Stuff
This morning in bed, Precious offered her paccy to New Daddy. ~Wawawa~
This afternoon, Precious was using the cooler and a dining room chair as walkers.

Birthday Update
I've gotten slack on the birthdays, probably because there are so many in our families this time of the year. So, for today: Happy 1st birthday to Cousin S! And, Monday was Cousin Z's birthday. Happy LATE Birthday, Z!


Marie said…
One question for you--did Ben take the paccy? --mwhahah!

Actually, make that two--did you go to Caswell Massey? (grin)

Love Ya'll!!
New Mommy said…
YES, Marie, I got your essential oil at CM :). You owe me $7.02. NO, Ben did not take the paccy.