Piano Dog

The doggie bone is just a little too small for Precious to maneuver comfortably, but she did discover that she can use the Red Hammer (!!) to play the doggie-piano keys! Here she is...

It's hard to take pictures of her, because she is so fascinated by the camera! Here she is coming after me :). (I have a lot of pictures very similar to this one-- trying to snap the perfect shot, and then, "Here she comes!")

So, Ruthi, I don't have any regurgitation pictures, but I hope you're satisfied! :D


New Mommy said…
She was at home with Daddy!
New Mommy said…
I might also add that while I was gone, he changed a stinky diaper (after trying the cell phone to see if I was near home). And, when I walked in the door, he was feeding her supper, and she was having a blast with the Daddy-approach to eating. :)