Hats off to photographers...

... everywhere, whomever you may be. I may have complained about the last lady we had at Sears, but at least we got some decent shots out of the session. This morning, I randomly decided (as I do most things) to dress the kids up for Christmas pictures on the cheap. In retrospect, I should have known better than to try this on the very morning that Bubby, upon awakening, asked for New Daddy, and then asked New Daddy for a piece of fish candy. Ooops.

They eventually got a real breakfast, but they've been just slightly loopy all day. I tried to let them wear out by forcing them to letting them play outside for two straight hours this afternoon, but it seems that the sillies just won't leave them. Their exuberance, combined with my intense readiness to have Cutie, is not a pretty combination.

Ironically, the very first picture that I took will be the one that appears on our Christmas mailout. I'm not going to put it on the blog, so most of my readers will have something to look forward to. Instead, I'll put up a few "bloopers" for the amusement of us all. Believe me, there were plenty to choose from. Just a relentless mommy who didn't quite have things lined up the way she would have liked. Beautiful children, though!

(Subplots: Bubby is obsessed with clips and was constantly trying to swipe the ones out of Precious' hair. Then, in the last pic, he wanted his bedraggled bedtime lovies, but I made him pose instead with a lousy teddy bear. Waaah!)

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Sarah said…
They are still adorable pictures! Must be the subject material!
Sarah said…
And I love the dress....of course!

When Emma was littler, we always knew our photo session was as good as over when she plugged in her thumb.