
How to bide

Case of the cutes

The end and the beginning

Switching roles

The first piano lesson

The trip

The line-up

It's that time again...

Hats off to photographers...

In which Precious speaks her mind

Fireside tip- "hot" chocolate

The not-so-soon arrival

Thanksgiving trip

More good news

Update II- the kind doctor

Buggy update

Fighting buggy time

Mostly about Bubby (again)

Bubby's bed news

Does it really run in the family?

Thankful, again

Weekend pics

Is that my stomach again?

Goma, Congo

The ultimate [vegan] oatmeal cookie

I'd rather fight it myself

The difference between men and women

Breakfast cake

The birthday report

Baby things

A few from Precious



Thanks, Bubby

Tar Baby two ways

Hear the quality

Ron hands the torch to Chuck


Some folks are just made for hats...

First time for everything

We're still here, too!

What we've been saying lately

Seven minutes well spent


The ultrasound

Recent sayings



Out & about

Quiet time

I crave, we all crave


The picture post

Quick update

Going awol

July 4th weekend pictures

Filtered bathroom water

Raw milk update

Are we ghetto or what?

The Meeting