(This is not a post about kids who hate going to the store and being stuck in a buggy.)
Tuesday, I should have known something was up when Bubby didn't gobble up his lunch the way he usually does. Nothing keeps that child from eating. But instead of eating, he stared at all of the interesting people around us. Wednesday, it was the same thing. But, after he woke up from his nap feeling feverish and super-clingy, I finally realized that Bubby was fighting Something. I administered our old standby: a garlic-olive oil enema*. A short while after that was over, he started running around with Precious, and his fever gradually dropped until bedtime.
I'm finding that when my kids are fighting something off (I think this was respiratory flu), instead of languishing endlessly, they just get a good fever going when they sleep, and they play and act pretty normal the rest of the time. Appetite generally goes down, and they need lots of water and a little extra rest. Within two to three days, everything is back to normal. This all is very different than dealing with sickness the way I'm used to dealing with it. Usually, everybody is out of commission for a week-- even mommy, from taking care of everybody.
I mixed up some yummy chicken noodle-veggie soup for lunch, and I'm making sure everybody takes their herbal medicines. Precious had a scratchy throat tonight, so we'll make sure she gets everything she needs, too.
It's amazing the difference that good nutrition and a little herbal know-how make when a buggy Something tries to nail your family to the wall. I believe that's just one of God's avenues for healing. Take care of the body when it's well, give it the right tools to fight the sickness, and the body won't collapse when it faces sickness.
*From The ABC Herbal. Crush two garlic cloves in the press onto a cloth. Expel the garlic oil into a bowl by twisting the cloth. Mix with 1-2 Tbsp. olive oil. Mix with enough warm (body temperature) water to make enema solution. Administer slowly, avoiding air bubbles, with child on his left side.
Tuesday, I should have known something was up when Bubby didn't gobble up his lunch the way he usually does. Nothing keeps that child from eating. But instead of eating, he stared at all of the interesting people around us. Wednesday, it was the same thing. But, after he woke up from his nap feeling feverish and super-clingy, I finally realized that Bubby was fighting Something. I administered our old standby: a garlic-olive oil enema*. A short while after that was over, he started running around with Precious, and his fever gradually dropped until bedtime.
I'm finding that when my kids are fighting something off (I think this was respiratory flu), instead of languishing endlessly, they just get a good fever going when they sleep, and they play and act pretty normal the rest of the time. Appetite generally goes down, and they need lots of water and a little extra rest. Within two to three days, everything is back to normal. This all is very different than dealing with sickness the way I'm used to dealing with it. Usually, everybody is out of commission for a week-- even mommy, from taking care of everybody.
I mixed up some yummy chicken noodle-veggie soup for lunch, and I'm making sure everybody takes their herbal medicines. Precious had a scratchy throat tonight, so we'll make sure she gets everything she needs, too.
It's amazing the difference that good nutrition and a little herbal know-how make when a buggy Something tries to nail your family to the wall. I believe that's just one of God's avenues for healing. Take care of the body when it's well, give it the right tools to fight the sickness, and the body won't collapse when it faces sickness.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
Hippocrates, the father of medicine
*From The ABC Herbal. Crush two garlic cloves in the press onto a cloth. Expel the garlic oil into a bowl by twisting the cloth. Mix with 1-2 Tbsp. olive oil. Mix with enough warm (body temperature) water to make enema solution. Administer slowly, avoiding air bubbles, with child on his left side.
I will take my Super Moms, and use my Berry Well, but I draw the line at garlic-olive oil enemas! :)