Around here, we put our water filter in the hall bathroom. This isn't because our filter is so ugly that it must be banished to a private room. Even though the filter isn't exactly beautiful, my kitchen is too nondescript to be offended at a tacky water filter. The real problem was that when we installed our new faucet a couple of years ago, the fittings didn't fit. So, off to the bathroom went the filter.
This has, no doubt, endeared many guests, who, upon emerging from a leisurely trip to the bathroom, stumble into a line of thirsty people, glasses waiting to be filled-- in the bathroom, of all places. In the very sink where we rinse clothes and other things. It's gross, I know.
But, today, we're finally putting this business behind us. We bought a Big Berkey water filtration system, and I finally set it up in the ~drum roll~ kitchen! We will have water in the kitchen! The glorious kitchen! In addition, the Big Berkey came with a fluoride filter; we're happy to be ending our tenure as government guinea pigs, at least on this account.
Our vertical counter-to-cabinet space wasn't tall enough to accommodate the Big Berkey, so I moved our rolling island into the kitchen. I can refill the upper chamber over the sink with the spray wand, and then turn around and put it on the island to filter. The kids will also be able to get water easily, which has me a little concerned. But, for now, I am just thrilled that obtaining drinkable water will not be the ordeal that it has been for over two years.
Most importantly, our guests can now use the bathroom without worrying that someone outside might be dehydrating because they're taking their time. What a relief.
*author's note- This post does not have New Daddy's approval. Reasoning: no one cares where we get our water from. People will have to read through this silly post to get to other, more meaningful posts. I should can it.
This has, no doubt, endeared many guests, who, upon emerging from a leisurely trip to the bathroom, stumble into a line of thirsty people, glasses waiting to be filled-- in the bathroom, of all places. In the very sink where we rinse clothes and other things. It's gross, I know.
Our vertical counter-to-cabinet space wasn't tall enough to accommodate the Big Berkey, so I moved our rolling island into the kitchen. I can refill the upper chamber over the sink with the spray wand, and then turn around and put it on the island to filter. The kids will also be able to get water easily, which has me a little concerned. But, for now, I am just thrilled that obtaining drinkable water will not be the ordeal that it has been for over two years.
Most importantly, our guests can now use the bathroom without worrying that someone outside might be dehydrating because they're taking their time. What a relief.
*author's note- This post does not have New Daddy's approval. Reasoning: no one cares where we get our water from. People will have to read through this silly post to get to other, more meaningful posts. I should can it.
(But then, so am I. :D)
I'll be glad to get my water from a more reasonable place next time I visit!