I have always disliked cleaning drains, which is why I let our tub build up to near-emergency (wading in two inches of water during a shower) status before I do something about it. But, this morning, I discovered a fun way to clean the bathtub drain! I used to use Drain-o, but since we have children around now, I decided that keeping that in stock wasn't the best idea. Plus that, it costs money.
This morning I googled "clean drain" to see what I could find. And I read an idea to pour 1/2 cup of baking soda in the drain and then top it off with 1/2 cup vinegar. I also read something about boiling water, so I decided to finish it off with that. While the water boiled, I poured my little science experiment down the drain! Sooooo fun-- and fast, too! The worst part about the Drain-o had been the waiting, wondering "Is it ready to rinse out yet?". Then, I ended up pouring Drain-o several times to get everything truly unclogged (taking almost an hour total). As it turned out, I had much better success with baking soda and vinegar. It worked the first time, and in only about 5 minutes. I have to admit that I enjoyed watching it fizz so much, I went ahead and finished off the bottle of vinegar :P.
Good news from the pregnancy visit today. I've gained 4 pounds (one pound a week is just right), Bubby's heart was at 158 today, and he's head-down and ready to go for the 3rd trimester. I saw the doctor this time, and he commented on the lack of swelling. I told him about spirulina (but not Super Mom). I did swell a little with Precious and have carpal tunnel issues, but I haven't even had the slightest tingliness this time around! He said I should come in and give prenatal classes to all of the other preggie moms, because whatever I'm doing, works :). I'll be back in two weeks, now that I'm third trimester. Thank the Lord for all of the good news!
This morning I googled "clean drain" to see what I could find. And I read an idea to pour 1/2 cup of baking soda in the drain and then top it off with 1/2 cup vinegar. I also read something about boiling water, so I decided to finish it off with that. While the water boiled, I poured my little science experiment down the drain! Sooooo fun-- and fast, too! The worst part about the Drain-o had been the waiting, wondering "Is it ready to rinse out yet?". Then, I ended up pouring Drain-o several times to get everything truly unclogged (taking almost an hour total). As it turned out, I had much better success with baking soda and vinegar. It worked the first time, and in only about 5 minutes. I have to admit that I enjoyed watching it fizz so much, I went ahead and finished off the bottle of vinegar :P.
Good news from the pregnancy visit today. I've gained 4 pounds (one pound a week is just right), Bubby's heart was at 158 today, and he's head-down and ready to go for the 3rd trimester. I saw the doctor this time, and he commented on the lack of swelling. I told him about spirulina (but not Super Mom). I did swell a little with Precious and have carpal tunnel issues, but I haven't even had the slightest tingliness this time around! He said I should come in and give prenatal classes to all of the other preggie moms, because whatever I'm doing, works :). I'll be back in two weeks, now that I'm third trimester. Thank the Lord for all of the good news!
And, yes, sprirulina is awesome! I can't tell so much a difference as when I first began taking it but I can definately tell when I miss a day! (Maybe I have just gotten used to the spirulina and feeling this good :-) )
Lord bless!
i love googling things like that, things to save money, things that good for the enivornment and most importantly better for ur health.
glad to hear ur baby is going well, exciting times ahead. :D
At least baking soda and vinegar are cheap, and you can always try!! Let me know if it works! Maybe you could google "unclog toilet" or see what ehow.com says?
I took your advice and used the formula on my bathroom sink last night, and it was the fastest unstopping I've ever witnessed!!
love, Poppy
Spirulina? Please tell me more. I'm 5 1/2 months & am swelling so bad. I'm pitiful. :-) Would like any help I can get.
I think I know you, but I'm not sure. You left a comment on my blog about Super Mom vitamins. Have you tried them? I'd like to get in contact with you. I am also in the message and I live in Warner Robins, GA. What part of Georgia are you in?
Congrats on the pregnancy!
Em Fergusson
God bless you!
For my vitamins, I take 2 Super Moms a day, along with a fish body oil capsule. That gets 400 mg of folic acid. Maybe once a week, I'll take the regular prenatal just to get the 800 mg of folic acid. But, I also include folate in my diet to make sure I get enough. Ben takes them, too!
The first day, I noticed a definite difference in my energy level. The next day, I found that they made me tired. So, I added in the fish body oil, and that helped me feel more normal. I think my body was probably tired from the detox that came with the spirulina. The website lists the symptoms of a spirulina detox that only last a few days.
Sis. Sam, I'd be really interested to see if spirulina helps with the swelling. This pregancy has been so completely different from (better than) my first, I'm not sure what's going on!
Sis. Em, we said hello to you and your husband briefly when Charles Johnson was at Bro. Yancey's. Ben told Bro. Isaac that he really enjoyed his bass playing. We're in the Atlanta area. We've been going to the Labor Day meetings for a few years, and we always enjoy getting to hear your dad speak!
God bless y'all!
Oh, and it's 400 mCg folic acid (a pretty big difference from mg =D).