Precious has started taking short morning naps, or a long AM one and a short power nap in the afternoon. She alternates, but I think this will change when we "spring forward" to daylight savings time in a few weeks. I think the sun is getting her up earlier than usual, and she needs the extra sleep to compensate.
Lately, I've found some ways to include Precious in my routines around the house. When I do laundry, she helps me load the basket and push it to the stairs. Then, I hoist her up on one hip and let the basket bump down the steps while I go down backwards. When we get to the laundry room, she hands me the clothes, and I put them in the machine! She is so proud of herself. If I try to sneak to the stairs with a load, she will not let me go down without her!
The other night I made okra and tomatoes again. It was early evening and all of the toys were old news. Precious was pacing the floor looking for something to do. I thought and thought. Then, "Aha! She can help me peel the onion over the trash can!" I grabbed a piece of skin and told her to pull it off. Then, throw it in the trash. Wow, did she catch on fast! She ended up taking the last piece of skin off all by herself.
Then, I moved on to the garlic. Again, Precious started pacing. I had another "Aha!" moment. I handed her pieces of garlic skin and had her throw them away! It took her several trips, but she was so happy knowing that she was busy helping Mommy.
It is a well-known fact that toddlers love to throw things in the trash, toilet, etc. :D Thank goodness my trash can is in the pantry, so I can control her access to it. It's a lot less confusing for training, I think (which things to throw away, etc.). Some of the things she also loves to throw away are her dirty diapers :D.
What routines do you have with your early toddlers? I'd love to hear some more ideas!
Lately, I've found some ways to include Precious in my routines around the house. When I do laundry, she helps me load the basket and push it to the stairs. Then, I hoist her up on one hip and let the basket bump down the steps while I go down backwards. When we get to the laundry room, she hands me the clothes, and I put them in the machine! She is so proud of herself. If I try to sneak to the stairs with a load, she will not let me go down without her!
The other night I made okra and tomatoes again. It was early evening and all of the toys were old news. Precious was pacing the floor looking for something to do. I thought and thought. Then, "Aha! She can help me peel the onion over the trash can!" I grabbed a piece of skin and told her to pull it off. Then, throw it in the trash. Wow, did she catch on fast! She ended up taking the last piece of skin off all by herself.
Then, I moved on to the garlic. Again, Precious started pacing. I had another "Aha!" moment. I handed her pieces of garlic skin and had her throw them away! It took her several trips, but she was so happy knowing that she was busy helping Mommy.
It is a well-known fact that toddlers love to throw things in the trash, toilet, etc. :D Thank goodness my trash can is in the pantry, so I can control her access to it. It's a lot less confusing for training, I think (which things to throw away, etc.). Some of the things she also loves to throw away are her dirty diapers :D.
What routines do you have with your early toddlers? I'd love to hear some more ideas!
All 3 of my kids enjoy helping me unload the dishwasher. I get out all the knives from the silverware basket and one of them, usually Michaela, will carry it to the silverware drawer and unload it. The drawer doesn't stay as neat as it used to but they are still learning. They also put the pots and pans up along with my tupperware dishes (all in bottom cabinets). I used to have to point out where each item belongs but they have since learned where to put the dishes. They then preceed to hand me the remainder that goes in the upper cabinets.
My kids also enjoy helping me cook. I measure out the desired amount of flour, sugar, etc. in the cup and then they pour it into the mixer when I give them the go-ahead. Also with stirring ingredients together or placing canned biscuits on a pan to be put in the oven.
Lord Bless!
one time i was cleaning out the shower and she wanted to helped, so i got her a spray bottle with just water in it, so she could help. i miss her so much.
i now babysit a little 9 month, but he's not up to that stage yet. :( but hes getting along. he crawls and likes to walk around with you holding his arms.