The crazy is starting

I can feel it.

Science fair is tomorrow.

District band is next Saturday.

I just filled out music clinic forms for the kids to participate in at the end of the February.

Faces of History is next month.

I accompany a cello recital two days after Faces of History.

Precious is going to try to get into Still Waters.

CC Family Night, band and orchestra spring concerts are on the schedule.

CC Practicum is on the calendar.

Crazy is coming, y'all!

We burned the piles of Bradford pear trees that the chickens were hiding eggs in.  Where once was a 20 by 15 by 3-foot-tall pile of branches, there now lies a mound of ashes that we'll transfer to the garden for fertilizer.  We burned two rotten egg nests that were buried in the branches.  Go find new hiding places, ladies, and we'll see if we can find them!  This game is a yearly event/conflict with the chickens.

New Daddy took down the shed that got blown over the fence several years ago, bending irreparably as it flipped into the neighbor's yard during an especially powerful wind gust.  Then the floor rotted out and the roof rusted.  It was a doomed shed, and it is mostly loaded in the trailer for the scrap metal place.  We discovered [another] chicken nest starting below it.  The backyard is getting an aesthetic break between taking broken things away and the children's inevitable summer building projects.  Metal sheds aren't very attractive.  Broken metal sheds are... ???... redneck.

Spring is officially revving up!
