End-of-school update

We have completed another year of Classical Conversations.  Bubby was a Memory Master for the second time.  (Precious was last year, but this year I made her *really* memorize the times tables up to the 15s, and she didn't make it by the deadline.)  I'm still working on the yearbook, along with two other moms; but last year, I realized that to do the yearbook and school at the same time was an impossibility.  And, to take CC's place, I am accompanying four violin concertos for a friend's spring recital!  And a few shorter pieces.  But four orchestral reductions... I should be practicing, not blogging.  I have too many irons in the fire right now.  The recital is next Tuesday.  After that, testing for Precious, and then we end the following Friday.  Reading for Cutie, and math and piano for everyone will continue throughout the summer.

Two days after CC's Family Night end-of-the-year-shabang, we found ourselves at the neatest little campground in Cherokee, NC- Yogi in the Smokies.  New Daddy managed to catch a few trout on crickets the first morning, but had no success in the trophy waters.  He did spook a really large trout, so at least he ruefully knew they were in there.  Yogi runs a 2-for-1 special from their season opening until the first week of May, so it was a good value, and an enjoyable stay.  The kids love the crafting area and riding bikes.  A stair hike up to Mingo Falls reminded me that I still had legs, albeit poorly exercised.

And, almost as soon as we walked in the door, New Daddy started hacking away at the kitchen and dining room tile (!).  But of course, nothing is as easy as one naively thinks it should be.  Rotten subflooring at the back door is almost out, and there is a hole with new 2x4's and new subflooring waiting to be installed before we can "slap" down the new, vinyl planking (hahaha).  There was also a section of mangled subfloor in front of the wall opposite the pantry that we lovingly dubbed "the mystery hole."  New Daddy opened it up and announced, "No dead bodies!"

"What is that?" I inquired while he was stabbing at the mystery hole.

"My magnum opus," was his reply.  (I chuckled for a while.)

Ever since we finished the basement in 2013 and New Daddy started working down there, we've had a problem with loud footsteps coming from the kitchen/dining room to the basement.  After getting rid of the kitchen tile and its plywood base, we've realized that all of that solid mass is probably a prime conduit for the noise.  So we've purchased [more] vinyl planking- just like we put in the basement.  The stuff is so easy to install, looks nice, and wears beautifully; what's not to love for our 24 year-old home?  Only this time, we opted for the one with cork backing (NuCore from Floor & Decor- Cheyenne).  The hope is that we'll see a big decrease in sound transmission.  It has an IIC rating of 71 (80 being the highest), so it's supposed to be ideal for apartments, etc.

We planted the garden in garden boxes next to the house, which should make things a lot easier to access.  To avoid neonicotinoids (bee killers that are on most plants at the big box stores), we acquired very reasonably-priced, organic starts from Azure Standard.  So far, they're doing well!  It's been a bit dry lately, so we've been trying to keep everything watered.  So much easier when everything is near the house!

New Buff Orpington chicks are in the garage, and the calendar is set for next Thursday, when they'll be six weeks old and ready to go outside!!  I was really happy to find a local, small-business hatchery to buy chicks from- only an hour drive, and no early morning trips to the post office!  The ice storm/dead-chick nightmare of two years ago may never repeat.  The older hens that will be dispatched at the end of the summer are our Barred Rocks, and I have to say that I will not miss the fact that they did not lay eggs during their first winter!  I'm looking forward to having Buffs again- faithful layers, and friendly birds.

I forgot to mention that the kids ruined the lawn mower with bricks in the yard, and we bought a used one locally.  But the "new" one is a lot nicer than the one we had, so no one's complaining.  We went from "You're buying us new blades!" to ... "er... whatever."  Hahaha.

So I guess that's all of the random, spring news to share for now!
