The Bored, Pre-baby Post

I've realized that before each child has arrived, I tend to enter a quasi-bored state.  I'm too massive to cart myself around much and get things done, and my brain is making space for the baby and its soon-arriving needs.  This lull is even more pronounced when the kiddos are off on a fun-filled summer stay with Poppy and Mimi.  I'm working; don't worry.  But it's much easier to sit here and pretend that I'm making a baby while I relax in the air conditioning, in between spurts of clothing switch-outs and decluttering.

And so I sit down to write.

I'm contemplating a booklet with pregnancy tips and tricks.  Most of the midwives that I've encountered tell me I should.  You make this look easy, they tell me (probably along with plenty of other folks).  I do think that I have good genes for bearing children, but I've found that preparation of the body long before pregnancy is probably the most important factor.  It seems that people are in such a chronic state of being unhealthy on low-or-fake-fat, over-sugared diets, that it only follows that pregnancy should be difficult.  I cringe when I read a facebook post of a pregnant mama going out for doughnuts.  Shouldn't she know that if she fried an egg in bacon grease, she wouldn't crave doughnuts?  I know doughnuts aren't the norm, and people tend to post special things on facebook, but, still.  Milkshakes made from whole milk and ice cream with egg yolks?  Yes, mama- drink away.  You know, a booklet of politically incorrect tips like that.

One of the most successful things that I've done this pregnancy, besides all of the marvelous traditional stuff that I normally do is [drumroll] magnesium chloride gel.  Not only have I avoided the blood sugar roller coasters that I used to have, magnesium relieves the general aches that accompany the pregnant state of constant expansion.  The other day, my right hand was aching from using a dull knife to slice too many veggies.  Two days of magnesium gel: problem gone.  It's also an excellent prevention of restless leg, muscle cramps, and pre-eclampsia.  Here's where I buy magnesium gel (since I know you were wondering!).  I apply it to my hands and soles of my feet after showering, and then as needed for cramps, etc.  It stings when it touches open wounds, so be careful if you have chicken wire scrapes like me.

And I guess that's enough boredom-induced blogging for one day.  New Daddy will soon be home for some zucchini lasagna made with whole-milk ricotta and mozzarella.  We found an awesome local farm, subscribed to their CSA, and they (we) are overrun with zucchini.  It's a good problem to have!
