An unfortunate, but helpful post

Last Saturday, I spotted a large bump on Bubby's bottom. By the time I glanced at him again on Tuesday, there was a rash spreading down his thighs, and the original bump was a boil. I took him to the doctor after our guests left on Thursday and got antibiotics for a staph infection. I guess I'm used to herbs that work more quickly than antibiotic cream, so I got online and started reading.

Did you know that raw honey is an effective treatment for MRSAs, the "super bugs" that made so much news last year? There are a few other remedies, like bentonite clay and silver suspension, but I didn't want the hassle of the clay or the risk of turning Bubby's skin blue-gray from the silver. I happen to have some Bee's Aid from Beeyoutiful, and that's what I'm using on Bubby now. It's a little sticky, but it's producing results that I can actually see.

We're staying on the oral antibiotic round for now, keeping him pumped full of yogurt, probiotics, and lacto-fermented sauerkraut. But, I'm really thankful to find something natural for the topical infection that works even better than pharmaceuticals. I had applied honey before we went to the doctor, and the difference was amazing. I didn't think of the Bee's Aid spray until today, though.

Here are a couple of online sources of honey for staph infections, burns, etc.
Bee's Aid by Beeyoutiful
Manuka Honey
