Our Thunder Cake

Here we are, old house sold (Thank you, Lord!), starting to settle in the new place.

Almost two weeks ago, we checked out Patricia Polacco's book from the library. Somehow, we happened to do this during a week of thunder storms and heavy rain. (Our drought situation is pretty much gone at this point.) Precious and Bubby love this book! And, Of Course, they asked me to make an actual thunder cake. So, I unpacked my 8-inch pans and did it, with the kids' help.

The cake itself is a little dry, and I must say, a week later, it is starting to lack flavor. (I know there are things you can do for dryness, but I like to test a recipe, barebones, the first time.) But, I did a chocolate Swiss buttercream for the icing, and it was awesome! You can see in the pictures that Bubby--ahem-- really likes the icing. I've re-iced it three times, thanks to his enthusiasm for the chocolate buttercream. Precious was a little better at cleaning herself up after cake-swiping... The strawberries would have been pretty good, too, if they hadn't been removed from the cake by grabby little hands.

Ya think I should bake cakes more often?


Anonymous said…
I love this book! Your cake looks prettier than any I've made! Love the pictures!
monibl said…
What a beautiful cake! I had no idea we were eating a week old cake yesterday LOL..that is so funny! It was still good.:D
I was flipping through that thunderstorm book and it looked so good! I'll have to check it out at our library. We had a great time at your house yesterday! Thanks for the awesome supper too!
New Mommy said…
Yeah, Monica, I didn't really want to make a big deal about the cake's age, haha! We enjoyed y'all coming over, too! All of our kids sure know how to play! :D
Anna May said…
is precious picking her nose in that picture? was that before or after she frosted the cake? =) and i agree with moni...i had no idea it was a week old cake.
New Mommy said…
*ahem* Precious was, indeed, pretending to pick her nose for the picture, because she thought that would be a funny, goofy thing to do. Alas, four year-olds don't like being serious for the camera. [sigh]

She didn't frost the cake, thankfully.