Popcorn and other silly things

These days, there are several word mix-ups going around the house that I'm sure will not be corrected until Precious learns to read.

#1 A week ago, New Daddy told Precious that he tutored math in college. Being the silly three year-old that she is, Precious heard "tooted," which means something far different. When she gets in the mood, she walks around saying "You tooted math! Hahahahahaha!" Or, "You tooted me! Hahahahahaha!" Pretty silly, but it was especially funny once New Daddy and I realized that this whole joke was based on his statement about tutoring.

#2 "Mommy! I had an ear-whack!" This child is so grammatically exacting that she cannot bring herself to have more than one whack, known to the rest of us as wax, in an ear.

Lately, my snacky self has been enjoying popcorn in the afternoons. I must say, our homemade version is delicious! The kids like to take their pieces and make them animals. Last week, all of Bubby's pieces were loud roosters. Today, Precious pulled out a piece and said, "Mommy, it's a tiny cow. It says, 'mew'!"

Yummy Popcorn

1/4 c popcorn kernels
1 T butter
1 T coconut oil
1/4 tsp Real Salt

Melt the butter and coconut oil over medium heat in a cast iron pan that can be covered. (A clear top is fun for the kids to watch.) Add salt.

When the oils start bubbling, add the kernels and shake until everything has popped.

Yield: one big bowl for mama, and two smaller bowls for the children.


Crystal Cross said…
You gotta love it when they hear one thing and put it to new use. Thomas has been saying he "hates" whatever, when he means he loves it. Im waiting on him to tell someone he hates something they have or something, knowing he means he loves it.
New Daddy "tooting" math is pretty cute!!
Anonymous said…
Haha that Math thing was so funny!
mmmm popcorn sounds really good!
Anonymous said…
I haven't laughed so hard in weeks. As I was reading this, your mother came rushing in the den wondering what was so funny. She was on the other side of the house.

Inappropriate words seem to pop in my mind without effort, to my great amusement. It's comforting to know the next generation hasn't lost the fine art of mirth.
New Mommy said…
Yes, "lost" just isn't the word around here! Promoting mirth with reckless enthusiasm would be more like it.
Anonymous said…
Are you using 'organic' corn for popping? Don't forget what Bro. Branham said about hybrid corn killing the nation.... :)
New Mommy said…
Of course my popcorn is organic! :P Almost everything in my kitchen, down to our HFCS-free, "organic" ketchup, is organic.

Except for the store brand beans that I use to hold down pie shells during baking.

Is somebody pushing my buttons? :D