Animal funnies

Bubby, pointing at a camel, "Horse."

Mommy: "No, that's a camel."

Bubby: "MOOOO."

Precious, upon seeing a donkey grazing with the Jerseys and Guernseys at our milk farm: "Mommy, this is the Break of Day Farm! Look, there's the donkey at the break of day!"


Marie said…
Oh, so sweet and funny!

I love Renee's connection. :)

Take care!
Anonymous said…
that's too cute. ellie calls every bug (whether it be housefly, bee, etc) a SPIDER! she gets upset too.
New Mommy said…
For Bubby, all bugs are "ant." It sounds like "AN" or "AIN," depending. My favorite is the latter; it sounds kind of like "ain't." That's my Southern boy, all right!