Unpasteurized hot chocolate!

I just discovered Kris Johnson's NT-style recipes a few weeks ago. She's a WAPF chapter leader in Toledo. I thought the idea for raw milk hot chocolate was especially tempting.

Hot Chocolate
Raw milk hot chocolate without overheating the milk!

Heat 2 Tbsp water in saucepan.
Add 1-2 tsp cocoa powder and sweetener to taste and stir to melt.
When the water starts to steam add 1 cup of raw milk, and heat it gently stirring constantly until just warm. Pour into preheated cup and enjoy.

New Daddy might be pleased that Kris also has an oatmeal cookie recipe, that is, if he likes it! The oats are soaking right now for me to bake the cookies tomorrow. If he doesn't like it, we're back to the same recipe I've always made-- and not very often, because I can't stand the unhealthfulness of it all. Not good for a husband with a sweet tooth. Not baking cookies makes me look like The Bad Wifey. So... here goes.

Tonight I made Mark Bittman's fabulous clam chowder using the fish stock that I made last week. It was delicious. Precious drank the leftover, salted fish stock before dinner and loved it.

Update on the family
The kids are fine. Bubby is going through the stage that he would rather starve than be fed by someone else. I've been tucking a dishcloth into his neckline for a bib. As for Precious, I can't imagine anyone more helpful, empathetic, or beautiful than Precious. She is a complete blessing. Especially since her tantrums are starting to fade. Explaining and preparing her for everything that happens seems to be working really well. I think doing this also helps me to organize my scattered thoughts. Thinking aloud must be good for everyone!


Bro Trevor said…
" Explaining and preparing her for everything that happens seems to be working really well. "

I call this "managing expectations". I found it to be very helpful when Zion was at that stage.
Tracey said…
Just tried this recipe with milk from our farm and cocoa powder we ordered from Frontier through our buying club. It was hands-down the best hot cocoa I've ever had! Good thing I bought a whole pound of the cocoa powder, LOL!